0010_083_Charles and Nellie Pile Smith
This is a collection of photos and documetns about the Charles (CD) and Nellie Pile Smith family.
001.jpg: The Pile twins, C.J. (Cornelius) Pile and Nellie (Cornelia) Pile Smith
002.jpg: The Smith family, about 1908 Front L-R: C.D. Smith, Lydia Smith, Nellie Smith, Back L-R Bessie Smith and Dorothy Smith
003.jpg: The Smith family with spouses, about 1925: Front: Dorothy Smith Cassidy, Charles W. Cassidy, Cornelia (Nellie) Smith, Back: Walter D. Scudder, Bessie Smith Scudder, Clarence Grayson, Lydia Smith Grayson, C. D. Smith
004.jpg: This is a collection of 3 photos taken about 1948: L-R Dorothy, Lydia, Nellie, Bessie
005.jpg: L-R: Bessie, Lydia, Dorothy
006.jpg: Ivy Pyle Wells, Cornelius Pile, Cornelia (Nellie) Pile Smith, Jesse N. Pyle, ID Pyle Cress
010.jpg: This photo has written on the back: Lydia Grayson, Aug 1985
envelope.jpg: Did you ever wonder what business C.D. Smith was in? Now you know. He could provide you a fine table or a fine box with brass corners in either case.
page1.jpg: Pg1 of letter written by Nellie Pile Smith to Ivy Wells following the 1921 family reunion
page2.jpg: Pg2
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